The Scariest Planet Ever Found

Before we answer why it is the scariest planet ever found, let’s first go over some general information; then, we will get into the horrifying details. The planet was discovered in October of the year 1610 by an astronomer named Galileo. And is most visible during sunrise and sunset due to its proximity to the Sun.

Venus is one of four inner terrestrial planets. It is the second in line from the Sun and the closest planet to Earth. This closeness probably had a lot to do with the fact that Venus was the first to be explored by NASA’s Mariner 2, which took flight on August 27, 1962, from Cape Canaveral, FL.

While. the planet is often referred to as Earth’s twin because of its similarity in structure and size. There are some very distinct differences. Venus has a surface temperature of approximately 739°F, which is hot enough to dissolve lead. It also rotates in the opposite direction from most others.

Venus Hemispheric View

What is the deadliest planet ever found?

The deadliest planet ever found is Venus. The first of the most lethal details is that the surface has no water. It has an atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide. It is very thick and toxic. Cloaked in what appears to be yellow-tinted clouds of sulfuric acid that trap the heat inside, making it the hottest planet in our solar system.

Venus Surface

What is the scariest planet ever found?

Venus. Venus is the scariest planet ever discovered because of many reasons. As mentioned earlier, the temperatures are incredibly high. It also has an atmospheric pressure of 90 times that of Earth. Now taking into consideration the two previously stated facts and adding the sulfuric acid rain, you can see why it is both the scariest and deadliest planet. It would kill you in seconds.

The Wrap Up

In conclusion, Venus is comparable in size and structure to Earth. It has a horrendously toxic atmosphere. The temperature is way too hot. Therefore, it would never be able to sustain any life. But after only the Sun and the Moon, it is the most brilliant light in the sky.

If you would like to discover more outside of our planetary system, you might enjoy the articles on Extra-Solar Planets.

There is so much more that remains unknown in both space and time. I will keep exploring the possibilities and sharing my experiences with you here.

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Encyclopedia britannica. (2022, April 26). Venus. Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britannica:

European Space Agency. (2019, September 1). Venus And Earth Compared. Retrieved from European Space Agency:,K%20(477%20%C2%B0C).

NASA Science. (2019, August 11). Mariner 2. Retrieved from NASA Science:

NASA Science. (2022, February 10). Venus. Retrieved from NASA Science:,is%20closer%20to%20the%20Sun.

4 thoughts on “The Scariest Planet Ever Found”

  1. I didn’t know that Venus would be the most deadly and scariest planet in our solar system, some great information there! I guess that there would be no way for us humans to ever live on this planet like we are planning to do with Mars haha? At least, I don’t think that Elon Musk would still be around by the time we would ever get to Venus 🙂 Interesting, keep up the great information!

    • Hello Lizzy,

      I didn’t know that either until I started digging in. I am having a fabulous time exploring things. It would likely be impossible for Venus to host life. 

      However, over the next few weeks, I am going to get into more detail on the most likely Exoplanets candidates to have the ability to sustain human life and I hope to see you again.

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I like learning about God’s universe, it has much to be explored and we will keep finding more and more things out there.  Some interesting facts about venus, we will move past venus on man’s quest to conquer space. they think that mars will make a good home, but I don’t think that will ever happen I don’t believe in life on other planets. But that’s just my opinion. But I really like this site and will be following to see what’s next. keep up the good work.

    • Hello Russell,

      You are correct, there are a great many things still left out there to be discovered. I am not sure about mars either, but right now, there seems to be a lot of speculation about putting life on our Moon. 

      I have to say that I think if it is at all possible to put life on other planets, it will not be for many years to come. Probably after you and I are long gone.

      Thank you for reading and sharing your opinion with me. I appreciate it and look forward to next time.

      Have a wonderful day!


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