Can We Live On Toi 700 D

Can We Live On Toi 700 D

We will be discussing Toi 700 D more in-depth today to see what we can find out about the possibility of it being habitable. The question is, can we live on Toi 700 D. Let’s find out. TOI 700 D The first Super-Earth discovery ever made by TESS, NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, was of … Read more

Besides Earth What Is The Most Habitable Planet

Besides Earth, What Is The Most Habitable Planet

Besides Earth, what are the most habitable planets? Well, in the last article, we discussed that as of April 2022, NASA believed Kepler-452B to be the most likely candidate to be habitable to life. We will cover some of the other planets in contention for this as well. Earth Similarity Index The ESI is a … Read more

Habitable Planet – 3 Requirements

Habitable Planets

As we discussed previously, we are going to start exploring planets besides Earth that are possibly habitable. In previous posts, we have described an Exoplanet and the different categories that help to define them. We will look closely at what criteria determine if a planet is habitable. Requirement #1 – The Presence of Liquid Water … Read more