Besides Earth What Is The Most Habitable Planet

Besides Earth, What Is The Most Habitable Planet

Besides Earth, what are the most habitable planets? Well, in the last article, we discussed that as of April 2022, NASA believed Kepler-452B to be the most likely candidate to be habitable to life. We will cover some of the other planets in contention for this as well. Earth Similarity Index The ESI is a … Read more

Habitable Planet – 3 Requirements

Habitable Planets

As we discussed previously, we are going to start exploring planets besides Earth that are possibly habitable. In previous posts, we have described an Exoplanet and the different categories that help to define them. We will look closely at what criteria determine if a planet is habitable. Requirement #1 – The Presence of Liquid Water … Read more

What Are The Different Types Of Exoplanets

What Are The Different Types Of Exoplanets

There are four different types of Exoplanets. They are categorized into Gas Giants, Super Earths, Neptunian, and Terrestrial planets. As you can probably intuit from the category names, the classifications have a lot to do with their size and or composition. But we will get into each category below. Gas Giants These Exoplanets are called … Read more

What Are Extrasolar Planets

What are Extrasolar Planets

What are Extrasolar Planets? You will find the answer to that question below. We have previously explored and discussed our solar system, the planets, and dwarf planets. We will now get into Extrasolar Planets or Exoplanets for short. Extrasolar Planets Explained An Extrasolar Planet is a planet located outside our solar system. These planets typically … Read more